Teacher Application Which area are you interested in: Preschool Elementary Middle School If Elementary, do you have a grade preference? If Middle School, do you have a grade preference? Application Date Date Available Full Name Complete Address Phone Best Time to Call Length of time at Address Email Permanent address and phone number if different from present address List any additional addresses where you have resided in the last five years What you you like to be doing five years from now? How did you learn about this position Can you submit verification of your legal right to work in the US? Yes No Have you ever been convicted of a crime? If so, explain. Yes No Have you ever been dismissed from a position in education? Yes No Briefly give your Christian testimony Please read carefully the Baptist Faith and Message and indicate your degree of support: I fully support or I support except for the areas listed and explained below: What is your home church? Denomination? Presently a member in good standing? Years? What church activities are you involved and with what degree of regularity? What other Christian service have you done since becoming a Christian? Describe your routine of personal Bible Study and Prayer What books have you read recently that have helped you spiritually Why do you wish to teach at a Christian school? What are the main characteristics that distinguish a Christian School from a secular school? What do you consider to be the proper classroom atmosphere for learning? What is your philosophy for classroom discipline? What areas are your strengths? Weaknesses? Professional Qualifications: College Attended: Years: Degree: Additional Certifications: First Aid/CPR Certified? Yes No Attach all transcripts, certificates, letter of recommendation from your current pastor and/or first aid/CPR cards you have. Send 45895